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ACS880 Inverter ACS880-01-430A-3 ACS880-01-430A-3  Current Product

380 … 415 V, 400A, 200kW, 50/60 Hz, IP21

Part Nr: ABB Frequency Converter ACS880-01-430A-3 400A 200kW

Brand: ABB  Type: Inverter
State: Checking 

Buy ABB ACS880 ACS880-01-430A-3 ACS880-01-430A-3 at, Best price and Big Stock.



PN: 250 kW, IN: 430 A

Part Number
Manufacturer ABB
Model# ACS880-01-430A-3
Product Description ACS880-01-430A-3
PN: 250 kW, IN: 430 A
Type Frequency Converter
Installation Type Cabinet-built
Input Voltage(V)电压 380 … 415 V
Current(A)电流 430 A
Power(KW/HP)功率 250 kW
Frequency(HZ)频率 47.5 … 63 Hz
Protection level IP21
Output Current, Heavy-Duty Use (IHD): 363A
Output Current, Light-Overload Use (ILD): 400 A
Output Current, Normal Use (In): 430 A
Output Power, Heavy-Duty Use (PHD): 200 kW
Output Power, Light-Overload Use (PLD): 200 kw
Output Power, Normal Use (Pn): 250 kw
warranty 1 year
Frame Size: R9
Product Net Weight: 95.0 kg
Product Net Depth / Length: 413 mm
Product Net Height: 955 mm
Product Net Width: 380 mm
Country of Origin: Finland (FI)
Communication Protocol: CAN
Other Bus Systems
Number of Hardware Interfaces: Industrial Ethernet 0
Other 4
Parallel 0
RS-232 0
RS-422 0
RS-485 1
Serial TTY 0


Complete Drive Module Efficiency (61800-9-2):

Operating Point Frequency / Current Absolute Loss Relative Loss Efficiency
0 / 25 % 1409 W 0.5 % 91.9 %
0 / 50 % 2137 W 0.7 % 93.6 %
0 / 100 % 3880 W 1.3 % 94.1 %
50 / 25 % 1500 W 0.5 % 95.7 %
50 / 50 % 2265 W 0.8 % 96.6 %
50 / 100 % 4452 W 1.5 % 96.7 %
90 / 50 % 2662 W 0.9 % 97.8 %
90 / 100 % 5797 W 1.9 % 97.6 %

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ABB Frequency Converter ACS880-01-430A-3 400A 200kW

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Miss Yvonne

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ABB Frequency Converter ACS880-01-430A-3 400A 200kW

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